Entries by MTPadmin

To Be a World Citizen or Not To Be…

I envy our writers who write about their agenda. I guess because of the rapid development of events and my inability to keep up, I tend to connect my own agenda to the general life in my articles. However, in this article, I would like to point on a phenomenon that has been discussed a […]

Bucket List

Last week, October 11, 2022, I did one of the craziest, the most insane and perhaps the undoable thing in my life. It was something that I had in mind for a long time but had neither courage nor time to do it. I still cannot believe I did it.  Looking back, it feels like […]

Regardless… A True Story!

Have you realized that movies based on true stories are now produced more and more compared to the past years, and they are getting higher demand by the audience? How do I know? Because I prefer this type of movies to fiction ones. It takes one to know one! Why, though? These movies help me […]

Don’t fight! Love!

We have come to the end of the line again! History is repeating itself… The same game, the same pain, the same losses… continue. Going through the same ordeal over and over again, suffering, agonizing… Until when? Until we learn our lesson!   “We have learned to fly like birds and swim like fish, but […]

The Last Duel

Last weekend, I watched Ridley Scott’s (2021) movie The Last Duel, which is about the true story set in 1386. The film is based on Eric Jager’s (2006) book The Last Duel: The True Story of Crime, Scandal, and Trial by Combat in Medieval France. The story is about the trial by duel between two […]

An Unbearable Lightness of Turning 50

I’m writing these lines at my dinner table in my home in Barcelona, where I spent about 80 days in quarantine. And probably, you’ll be reading these lines while I’ll be flying from Barcelona to Istanbul, on 1 July 2020, provided that everything goes well…   Today is 24 June 2020… Wednesday… Exactly 50 years […]

A Pressure Cooker’s Effect

The past three or four months have had different meanings for everyone living on earth; it has served different purposes; and everyone has experienced this phase differently, generating various messages to oneself. On one hand, it was a worrisome period, and on the other hand, full of valuable gains… At the same time, we can […]

The Hidden Meaning in Our Garden

From time to time, we think our life is on a knife edge. We have experienced very vividly in the last three months that anything can happen at any moment. However, despite all the chaos, our life hangs not on by a thread but on two magical elements: “positive social relationships” and “sense of meaning […]

Time to Set Sail for New Experiences

In the past two months, we have experienced the change and transformation that we could experience in two years; and perhaps we have learnt lessons that otherwise we couldn’t have in a lifetime. Our lives, our habits, and our perspective on life have changed from head to toe. Up until the first weeks of 2020, […]

We Place Our Energy Where We Place Our Attention!

Scientific research suggests that the main factors causing stress are uncertainty, lack of knowledge and loss of control. Undoubtedly, we have experienced one or both of these factors at the same time in our daily lives. However, we are experiencing it three-in-one, for the longest time and perhaps for the first time ever, altogether. We […]