Entries by MTPadmin

There’s no Way to Happiness. Happiness is the Way!

[:en]Today is March 20, International Day of Happiness; the day United Nations attributed to celebrating and striving for happiness for all. Throughout history of mankind, despite great losses, tragedies, and sufferings, pursue for happiness has always remained. It is a state that we all seek to get to or be in. We perceive it as […]

Which Track Are You On, Acceptance Or Resistance?

In my previous article –“Accept or Perish!” I tried at my best to reflect on the power of acceptance. Though seems apprehensible and noteworthy, it is partly easier said than done! In fact, it is easier to “talk” about acceptance, whereas highly demanding to literally take the course of actions towards getting over with a […]

Accept or Perish!…

There are times when we are so deeply consumed with our issues, we forget the little detail that the universe surrounding us is vast, and we are so very small. Reflecting on its vastness, compared to our tiny being, our lives –joys and sorrows, success and concerns, certainties and confusions, or solutions and conflicts, can […]

Do You Know What You Don’t Know?

Throughout the history of mankind, human beings –mostly philosophers have questioned the essence of knowledge, our thought systems, and how we process information. Perhaps, Socrates’ phrase “All I know I know nothing” is one of the best known philosophical quotes of all times. Socrates, in essence, emphasizes that one cannot know anything with absolute certainty, […]

Show Me Your Attitude, I’ll Show You The Way!

Yin-Yang is a fascinating symbol in the Chinese philosophy, describing how the opposite forces –i.e. black-white, dark-light, hot-cold, good-bad, etc. are interconnected, complementary, and interdependent. They go hand-in-hand. In fact, their relation with one another intensifies and gives rise to each force. We may sense heat, through the presence of cold. We may perceive light, if […]

How Would You Want to Lead Your Life? Accidentally or Intentionally…

“To be or not to be! That is the question!” These are Hamlet’s famous words, in his overthinking between the two extremes –life and death. He essentially questions the very purpose of his existence, seeking the meaning in living. Shakespeare, genius of all times, may have not been aware that Hamlet’s quotes would be valid […]

Awareness First!

Whenever we come across an obstacle or a situation beyond our desire, the logic process leads to a single bottom line conclusion: “education”, and we end up saying “education first!” Although by education we refer to learning and acquiring technical skills, in essence we consider ‘education’ with a much broader coverage that encompasses the thought, […]

Attention to ‘Attention’

“Watch out; be careful; beware…” are typical attentional directions we have all been raised with, hearing from our parents, teachers, or peers. We have been told to mind what there is around, in front, or at our back. Why? To keep us safe or away from harm! So, basically, we were told to have our […]

Understanding Mindfulness…

Many pieces of information that I’ve read, watched or come across with, remind me of mindfulness. We used to utter the term ”seize the day” for being in “here and now”, that later have turned to a cliché… It took us time to internalize its in-depth meaning and philosophical essence. It was difficult to grasp […]

How are you? Mind full or Mindful? What if you can choose?

How are you? Mind full or mindful? I can imagine you wondering; “what’s the difference anyway?” I had that same prompt reaction, along with a frustrated mood of awareness over how full my mind had been. Unfortunately I had no clue whatsoever on how to change it… Then something happened and it’s been more than […]