Entries by MTPadmin

The Hidden Meaning in Our Garden

From time to time, we think our life is on a knife edge. We have experienced very vividly in the last three months that anything can happen at any moment. However, despite all the chaos, our life hangs not on by a thread but on two magical elements: “positive social relationships” and “sense of meaning […]

Time to Set Sail for New Experiences

In the past two months, we have experienced the change and transformation that we could experience in two years; and perhaps we have learnt lessons that otherwise we couldn’t have in a lifetime. Our lives, our habits, and our perspective on life have changed from head to toe. Up until the first weeks of 2020, […]

We Place Our Energy Where We Place Our Attention!

Scientific research suggests that the main factors causing stress are uncertainty, lack of knowledge and loss of control. Undoubtedly, we have experienced one or both of these factors at the same time in our daily lives. However, we are experiencing it three-in-one, for the longest time and perhaps for the first time ever, altogether. We […]

Mastering Positive Awareness

There’s a famous proverb in Turkish, “do what the hodja says, not what he does!”* Well you already know what to do, but I’d like to emphasize the opposite and do what I am about to tell you. Because, trust me, I do what I say. It’s one of the positive awareness practices that I […]

We Live What We Choose To Live

In my previous article, I mentioned that this corner would be full of stories, anecdotes, and ideas aimed at improving our ability to be aware of what’s available in the present. I would like to talk a little about “Positive Awareness” a.k.a. Mind the Positive. Think of it as a movement of higher thought or […]

Mind the Positive

When you think about these “strange” days we are going through, you find yourself asking,“How on earth did we end up in such a scenario?”… Well, indeed, that’s a hell of a script! Who would have thought that 2 billion people would stay at home for weeks to protect themselves and those around them from […]

Understanding Leaders Through Followers’ Eyes

From the earliest studies until today, major concern in leadership has been leaders’ figure, characteristics, or their influential role. However little is said about the role of followers. A leader is a leader, only through the acceptance of authority and influence by his/her followers. That is what law of influence –as John C. Maxwell says, […]

Outstanding Leadership Through Positive Development Approach

Being a leader in today’s challenging world is quite a difficult role. It requires self-accountability, engagement, and will. It involves empowering others, rather than exercising power. Regardless of duty or work position, in essence, leaders have a responsibility and a sense of ownership derived from internal locus of control. Most leaders take a leadership role […]

Mindfulness in Talent Management: Talent Management Focused Mindfulness? Or, Mindfulness Focused Talent Management?

On May 4th, 2018, I was invited to Istanbul Bilgi University, in Istanbul, for its 7th Annual Conference on the Latest Approaches & Trends in HR Management. This year it was on Mindfulness within the work context. So, I delivered a 35-minute speech/presentation on Mindfulness, within Talent Management scope, with the attempt to challenge Human […]

Happiness Against All Odds…

[:en]One of my readers left a comment at my previous article –“There’s no Way to Happiness. Happiness is the Way!” Hereby quoting him: “Nice topic… that’s what we need to discuss these days. If the society we live in (small or big) is not happy, can an individual be happy? In todays world it looks […]